Purpose and Passion: Knowing the Difference and Exploring Points of Intersection

In this contemporary age where everyone is growing or getting successful and also aspiring to grow, two words that are always bandied around are purpose and passion. Such persons make little or no distinction between purpose and passion since both terms seem closely related to them. Appreciating and effectively utilizing the two concepts is quite important since it informs why one engages in various activities and even why one succeeds or fails in such activities.

This article will address the questions, why and how is purpose different from passion and how do purpose and passion connect, and how purpose and passion together allow more peace and happiness into our activities.

What is Passion?

Passion is basically about feelings. It’s the great enthusiasm or even an extreme fondness that a person has towards someone or something such as an activity, hobby, subject, or a cause. Passion is caused by several things, including a certain area of deep interest and a certain area of excitement, which spurs one to take action. Then, how many have ever experienced the sad disappointment of so much engaging in something they have always enjoyed that activities like cooking, music, writing, and even filling up paperwork for a good non-profit cause are easily done without counting the hours that have been spent?

They say a passion is something that is individual and self-expressive. It typically develops from the birth of our inclinations and wants, and it is something that possesses its own inner worth. In the case, where we attach ourselves towards that inner calling or passion, we indulge in activities that please us without necessarily being productive in any other way rather than self-pleasure.

Examples of passion include:

  • A passion for painting or art in general
  • A passion for playing and participating in sports or fitness
  • A passion for history or science knowledge
  • A passion for venturing into new business

Passion is invigorating and most of the time supports our thoughts and creativity. However, passion is not the be-all and end-all; it does not always bear guidance, tactical influence, or focus. Even if it doesn’t make us feel dull, it’s something we cannot quite integrate to serve a bigger picture or give us ultimate satisfaction in the long run.

What is Purpose?

Purpose, however, is about the essence of things. It is the main reason or aim of a person’s life. Purpose is usually linked to the aim or the aspired future development of oneself. It is regarding participating in something more than oneself and having regard to a certain purpose, society, or idea and caring for it.

Professed interests, though, can be something else rather than just being individually self-satisfying. In fact, what separates one’s wants from their inherent abilities is the consideration of how those abilities can be gratifying to society. Instead of illustrating participation in social activities as an embellishment of the self-construct, it is possible to view realization of self and being a part of society as a basic human need.

Aiming at achieving a purpose leads one to impartial identification of such situations that need to be fixed. A good purpose presents itself in the figure of many professionals such as engineers, architects, and writers, who have advanced themselves in their respective fields of training and who rarely design something without a valid reason. Hence, the pursuit of truth reveals not only all that is ugly and wrong but also all that conceives good and right.

Every purpose target directly or indirectly meets the inherent deprivation of mankind, the fundamental problem of social constructs. Purposes can be realized through professional activities which a person carries out, his or her activities aimed at the reproduction of the society or activities regarding the scientific way of life. According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, this constitutes one of the top desires of individuals.

The Key Differences Between Passion and Purpose

Passion is how one will feel towards something one purports to actively engage in. The activators can be excitement, love, and any enthusiastic feeling that leads one towards various activities of one’s choosing.

Purpose is driven by reason and the desire to impact positively on a situation. It is about adding one’s effort to something bigger than the self, often with a timeline focus.

Personal vs. Communal:

Most of the time, passion is internal and self-centered. It focuses on what it is that makes one feel good and whole in this world.

Purpose, on the other hand, has to do with outward orientation. It encompasses who can be helped within the society, a cause, or a community.

Temporary vs. Enduring:

Passion is a tenable potential although it can be short-lived. Our interests and things that drive us positively may change in the future with age or situations.

Purpose, on the other hand, tends to be more than a temporary feeling and often one’s sense of such direction remains intact even when his or her passions change.

Joy vs. Fulfillment:

Passion often provides instant gratification. It is the rush and thrill we experience when we do things that we love to do.

Purpose, on the other hand, is very fulfilling. It is that feeling of fulfillment after living life according to one’s belief and making a difference in the world.

How Passion and Purpose Come Together

Though passion and purpose are distinct from one another, the two sometimes come together with amazing impact. When your passion is matched by the reason behind the work that you do, you feel a great deal of determination and satisfaction at what you have done. This intersection emphasizes not only the pleasure of what you are doing but also the impression of the work being important and influential.

Here is how the two passions and purpose can meet:

Transforming Passion into Purpose: At times, others may try to understand their purpose through looking for what they are passionate about. For instance, an individual loves to cook; he or she may find it purposeful to share such information with others for the health benefit of society. In the same vein, a photographer’s passion for photography can be redirected to use portraits to sell a cause – social causes.

Purpose in What We Are Passionate About: Even if your passion is not directly aimed at changing the world, it can still combine with purpose. For example, a person with a green thumb may not be able to cure world hunger with it, but perhaps find meaning in making gardens for themselves and their friends and family to appreciate.

Purpose as an Enabler for Passion: A few may redirect their purpose first, before searching for a passion. As soon as they form a coherent conception of what their mission in life is, such as serving people, saving the environment, or fighting for a cause – they vigorously motivate for such purposeful searching.

For instance, someone who is on a mission of cutting down inequality may find that she loves spending time with kids from disadvantaged backgrounds or campaigning for changes in the law. The ardor here may not be something that is already there, but that which develops gradually with pursuing purpose.

Why Aligning One’s Passion and Purpose in Life is Helpful

Life is gained to be lived and also to be meaningful. Such alignment gives rise to a lot of drive because you enjoy what you are doing and also know that there is something more that is being served.

Increased Resilience: Chasing dreams can be very hard if distractions come into play. And this is because the goal provides the reason to continue, even when the passion gradually disappears.

Sustained Motivation: It is said that passion is temporary, and so is a day, but not the purpose in life. This is purposive and is for the reason that in alignment with such a purpose, aiming at specific actions, passion, and positive internal motivation levels will be needed irrespective of time.

Fulfillment Beyond Success: Passion must lead to mastery of personal achievements, while by pursuing purpose there is a depth of achievement by all of the success one achieves. This brings a feeling of satisfaction even if the ingredients being used for the work are effective because the outcome will be useful to others or society at large.

Living Intentionally And With Passion

A good title invites the reader into the text, helping them discover the details about living a fulfilled life that contains both passion and purpose. It is important to develop a self-awareness as well as self-reflection. Ask yourself:

  • During which activities do I get re-energized and excited? (This can help understand your passions.)
  • Which values do I consider to be my life’s foundation, the moving force in myself? What impact within the world do I wish to create? (This can help articulate your purpose.)

When you are able to articulate such feelings, look for ways to make them a part of your life. For example, suppose passion is art, and purpose is the empowerment of the underprivileged—one can set up art classes for deprived children. If you love business and your purpose is accountability, think of opening a green business.

At this point, attempting to combine one’s passion with purpose is beneficial as it results in a more enriched life where a person is able to do what they want and make a difference at the same time.


However passion and purpose differ on the two opposites of the same pole – passion being an emotion of excitement and joy, while purpose being an emotion with a meaning and impact to society – the two cannot be treated as mutually exclusive. Where both these emphatic settings co-exist, aspirations can be met, not only through being excited about doing work, but through knowing that the work is worth it and helps satisfy needs that matter.

In knowing where the difference lies and how to connect passion and purpose, one can find equilibrium, gratification, and strength in both professional and personal aspects. It brings joy and a sense of fulfillment in living life fueled by one’s passion and directed by one’s purpose.

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